Sunday, November 9, 2014


It's Sunday!

I thought I would post a little something today just explaining about the past couple weeks.

Both Tyler and I have started going to work out every morning (besides Sunday). I get on the elliptical for 30 minutes and he does the treadmill. It's been fun.I feel good just doing a little something. And I feel better that he is there as well and we are both working out together. Ridge just sits and watches us the entire time. Usually he is in a daze, but he definitely thinks he could work out better than both of us.

I feel good though because I'm in better shape than I thought I was. Probably thanks to doing T25 on and off.

Our eating habits haven't been as great though as our working out has been going. We've had a mouse in our house (we caught one, but keep finding more blasted turds!)!!! Eek! It's made me not want to be downstairs and therefore not want to make anything. I need to cut it out and just suck it up.

This week will be better though. I'm not going to go out to eat once!! Wish me luck!

On a side note, I wanted to express my feelings about working out too. It makes me feel good. But I still have a hard time with my body image. I've been dressing pretty frumpy and what not. And though I'm working on getting fit, I've not been dressing or feeling the part. So I had a chat with Tyler and told him that I need to dress for the body I have. I'm self-conscious, so talking to him about things like this is tough. I need to love myself the way I am right now. And IF I change, great. And IF I don't, Ok! But at least I will look good while also being chubby.

Anyways, I posted again! YEAH ME! It's hard. The transition. Not as easy at people make it out to be. But thankfully now I have Tyler who is starting to work out and get in shape as well.

Good luck to me and everyone else too!